The Lady Mystery

The Lady Intense is inspired by the serene beaches of the French Mediterranean coasts, this new scent introduces an exotic, distinguished and elegant essence which is not about being noticed, it’s about being remembered with a trace.


Harmony Emotion

MS Harmony Emotion is the fine line between her serious firm attitude and her dazzling beauty that shines when she opens her eyes to showcase her outside beauty which is merged with her inner peaceful beauty to formalize a true harmonization.


The Lady

Marco Serussi The Lady is for women who understand that the beauty of a women is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a women is reflected in her soul, it is the caring she gives away, it is her power that drives her up every day.


The Lady Intense

The Lady Intense is inspired by the serene beaches of the French Mediterranean coasts, this new scent introduces an exotic, distinguished and elegant essence which is not about being noticed, it’s about being remembered with a trace.


Marco Serussi Women

“Finally she decided to show up to the public and announce her presence. For the first time she reveals her aura to the world and allows each female to discover the woman inside her.”
